Cahoots Junction

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Getting Started

My name is Becky I live in the city. Not a big city, we have nice sized yards with grass and trees but it is not a farm with lots of acreage, more like a suburb. Several years ago my little sister decided she needed to prepare for what I joking call “the zombie apocalypse.” I thought she was crazy at first but I always supported her. I mean it would be nice to have a place to go if it ever really did happen. She started with chickens in her backyard and now has 50 acres. I have grown to appreciate all she does to move towards being self sufficient. I may not get to that point but it is worth it to do what I can in my own backyard and community.

I usually grow some herbs in my backyard like basil, mint, and oregano because I love to have those fresh when I’m cooking and they are pretty easy. Last year I was able to spend a lot of time helping my sister plant and harvest her huge garden on the farm and I loved having fresh tomatoes and other vegetables. I think this year I will try tomatoes in my yard. I love to plant flowers too and I have learned about herbs that produce beautiful flowers that I am thinking of trying.

I get soap from a friend who makes her own it is not less expensive but made with more natural ingredients. I just found a neighbor who has chickens to get eggs from and not only are eggs ridiculous expensive but the fresh eggs taste so much better. Doing what I can to rely less on the grocery store and enjoy the healthier life.

There is actually a lot even a city girl can do.